Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1 Mac Attack 1 - Activity 4: End-of-Day Reflection

Today in SST, is Day 1 of the orientation camp. I've learnt how to do the SST cheer and dance (although I find it quite awkward at first). I also have made quite a number of friends in class. The group work was enjoyable, and I hope that I could spend more time with the current group I am currently in, more often. Other than the SST cheer and dance, we've learnt the 3 Rs, Roles, Rights and Responsibility that is required for us to know in our life in SST.

I've chosen to come to SST because, I like to use the computer, and SST provides a MacBook Learning Device for me to use and enjoy the learning during the class. The learning device, as the name says it, can be used for us to go online to search for what we need and want to know. In this way of learning, I find interesting and exciting.

I hope that SST will give me a bright future that I can enjoy living comfortably with my job; what I would like to be in the coming future.

The picture on the left is taken in class while my teacher, Ms Tan, is speaking.

Source: http://picasaweb.google.com/106948056555463682884/20110104S1OrientationDay1S106#

Although I have the rights to use the learning device in class, I should not be too engrossed using it in my work that I have no idea what Ms Tan is trying to tell us. Therefore, we should close the monitor of the MacBook and listen to the teacher, before continuing with our work. It is also polite to do that.


  1. Dear Jieyi,

    Thanks for giving a good illustration on the action required to demonstrate the value on rights. Do continue to demonstrate such values on a daily basis in class and look out for more opportunities for you to incorporate more values in your daily dealings with others.



  2. Halo Jie Yi,

    All the best to u in SST! ^_^
